Dear Hollywood,
Please explain to me how you have run completely out of ideas for new movies?
I guess being from the Midwest I have some idyllic vision of you being overwrought with would-be movie hacks spewing their 60 second elevator pitches every minute of every day. I simply can't imagine that my mental picture is that far off from the truth.
If this is so, then why oh why have you chosen to spew forth a barrage of 80's movie remakes? Are the up-and-coming movie writers of today really so pathetic that you have to make Clash of the Titans (again) and The A-Team (again, albeit this was a TV show and not a movie).
The original, and still best |
I'm not sure if I should like you or not. |
I mean, haven't any of you learned your lessons from the recent trips down memory lane -- G.I. Joe, Transformers (ok, toys from that era, but you see where I'm going), Fame and Indiana Jones...
Come on. You can't tell me that turning The Karate Kid (slated for 2010), Red Dawn (slated for 2010), Tron (slated for 2010), and The Highlander (slated for late 2010) into updated versions is going to do diddly squat for your sales, your image, or your prestige.
As a movie goer, and child of the 80's I'm pleading with you. Please either come up with new, original, decent stuff (com'on now I know you can do it...) or at the very, very least -- tread softly with my fond memories. I'm sick of having you ruin them with special effects and skankier actors.
Yours sincerely,
Disgruntled Gen-Xer