I recently discovered that everyone apparently hates the Oscar
winning actress Anne Hathaway. Go onto
the internet and you will find an outpouring of hate that is astonishing in its
venom and volume. I am bit puzzled by
this disproportionate amount of bile being heaped onto a person whom 99 percent
of her detractors have probably never met and only know through her interviews,
films, and acceptance speeches at awards shows.
So what is the problem? I know, she is very beautiful and knows how to
dress herself in an attractive manner.
She is a multi-talented actress and singer. She seems to be of above average
intelligence. She is positive and polite
in interviews. She does not get caught
driving drunk, taking drugs or flashing her lady bits at photographers. Maybe she just annoys the crap out of people
because she is better than they are and they know it and it bugs them. Ms. Hathaway herself would never say that
this is the cause of their ire, but what I see is a classic bullying
situation. It is the mob trying to bring
down someone who shines too brightly with talent and still seems to be able to
hold it together as a human being. Think
about the most popular people at your average high school. Sure they were
probably good looking or good at a particular sport, but they were also kind of
jerks. Think about the stars that are
beloved and admired. They have all had a
problem to overcome, a cross to bear, something that made them despite their
talent, beauty, and good fortune, a person who was not quite perfect. Anne Hathaway has the misfortune of seeming
perfect. So go on and spew your hate for
a perfectly nice person who has done nothing to deserve but know that this
hatred reveals more about the hater than it does its object. It reveals your ugliness, your stupidity,
your lack of self-esteem and your general smallness of being, and no matter how
much you hate Anne Hathaway, it won’t make you a better person and it will
never make you as good as her.