Dear Oprah,
Today you aired the final episode of your talk show which has been a staple of daytime television for 25 years. For most of my life you have been on TV, dear Oprah, and although I have not been a regular viewer, I always been an admirer, a student, and yes a fan. In fact my friends and I used to say when we were in our early 20’s and just out of college that we did not want to be one step closer to God, we wanted to be one step closer to Oprah. You took whatever stinking wretched circumstance that life gave you and planted a seed that you nurtured into an amazing garden full of beauty, life, and hope. With this garden you managed to feed a world of hearts, minds, and souls. I found myself watching your show today, tears streaming down my cheeks ( I am a bit of a sap), and I knew there was so much I wanted to say to you. First and foremost I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for answering your calling. Thank you for sharing your ideas and wisdom with your audience. Thank you for making our differences something that unites us instead of dividing us. There are few real people that I can truly say that I wholeheartedly admire and respect in this world. Public figures so often disappoint because they try too hard to be perfect, to be what they thought world wanted or needed them to be. You have only ever been Oprah and what you are is miraculous. Secondly Oprah, I would like to say it has been my pleasure. You devoted an hour to saying thank you to the world today and I want you to know that it has been a joy, a blessing, and a wonder. You have entertained and educated and made the world a little better than how you found it. Today I had a thought, “what if there had never been an Oprah?”, and I wrote a little poem about it.
What if there had never been an Oprah?
Would the light seem a little dimmer?
Would we be a less wise, less caring, and less free?
What if there had never been an Oprah?
Would colors be a little duller?
Would we be less united, less educated, and less unafraid?
What if there had never been an Oprah?
The world would be a little smaller, a little meaner,and
a lot colder.
What if there had never been an Oprah?
I, for one, am grateful that I will never have to know.
In conclusion, my dear dear Oprah, I would like to end with something from Lennon and McCartney. “And in the end the love you make is equal to the love you take.” Thank you for the love Oprah and you’re welcome.