So, first off, let me just say I adore my hubby. I'm very happy, in love and actually am quite happy to say I still lust after my own hubby after being married to the guy for 10 years.
But then there's Hugh. :)
So if I was one of those kinds of gals that had "the list" - you know the list of guys you'd bang the daylights out of before you die if you ever get the chance and dear hubby would just have to give you a freebie... that list - if I had a list, you bet your sweet patootie Hugh Jackman would be on it.
The guy is obviously talented, and who doesn't like a guy who loves his kids? But his latest stunt is pretty much what sealed the deal.
One might be thinking - WWF, WTF? But yes, the star of stage and screen has lent his talents to Wrestling, and actually caused damage to a professional wrestler.
I would also like to clarify that it's not the violence that gets him on the list, no it's the fact that he's both good and "bad" - you know, just the knowledge that he could kick someones ass for you if you needed him too - yep, list-worthy quality.
So I ask you readers - if you were a "list" kind of person - would Hugh make your list?
WWF-WTF. Love it. I have a teeny soft spot for Hugh. He might even be sexier once he opens his mouth. Accent. Singing ability. Hmmm.