There has been a great disturbance in my household resulting in icy looks and tension. I didn’t mean it to happen, but I’ve strayed and my cat knows it. One sniff of my clothes and she knew I had been unfaithful.
Yes, it’s true, when I was at my parents’ farm I snuggled Mittens the Kitten and now my cat is afraid that I’m thinking of trading her in for a younger model. Not that Mittens isn't terribly cute, and goodness knows she is, but to be honest I'm not looking to replace my cat, just give her a playmate.
Yes, it’s true, when I was at my parents’ farm I snuggled Mittens the Kitten and now my cat is afraid that I’m thinking of trading her in for a younger model. Not that Mittens isn't terribly cute, and goodness knows she is, but to be honest I'm not looking to replace my cat, just give her a playmate.
My attention span for "chase the string" is just not that long and I've been thinking that if she had someone to play with who was willing to spend hours playing that she would be happier. As an oldest child, I fully understand that gaining a sibling means redistribution of toys (i.e. sharing) and other such joys, but there are upsides as well. Perhaps she isn't ready yet.
Perhaps she would enjoy a pet hamster more? With ketchup on the side?