
I'm Too Sexy for my Diapers...

Maybe it’s because I am an Aunt and not a mother. Maybe it’s because I am not pumped full of mommy hormones, but I find the new limited edition Jean Huggies weird and a little disturbing. The website uses the tag line “The coolest you will ever look pooping your pants.” They don’t look cool because a diaper is essentially puffy, unattractive underwear, and it does not matter what design you print on them, they look stupid. The disturbing part is the ad campaign. A baby strutting down the street with a shirt tucked into his diapers while people stare and sexy runway music plays. It borders on kiddie porn. Who is the demographic for this product anyway?


  1. I only caught this commercial once, but once was enough. I vow to never, ever purchase these. How utterly gruesome!!

  2. Really? Seriously. I'm sooo liking these. They're just the cheesiest thing ever, hence I must own them and place them on baby's bottom!

    I am attracted to the kitch, the corniness, the cheese, and everything about these that makes them sooo horribly ridiculous. Love it!

  3. Julie and I figured out the demo for this product. It is the same parents who enter their toddlers in beauty pagents...
