Okay. I know what you're thinking. This one is way too obvious. I mean if anyone needs a reality check it is this no talent plastic surgery whore and her sleazy douche bag of a husband. They are a prime example of reality stardom gone horribly wrong, and this nomination is more obvious than Ricky Martin's recent outburst from the closet (yes he's gay and we are all shocked). I mean this is the couple that over 90% of E! viewers said they no longer wanted to hear about on E! News. A certain feisty blond bombshell comedienne will only refer to them as Herpes 1 & 2 when forced by circumstance to mention them on her very popular late night talk show. They are ridiculous and everyone acknowledges it, and yet, like the hearty cockroach, they refuse to die. I felt compelled to make this nomination after getting wind of their latest stab at grabbing attention. It is in such poor taste and so insulting to a minority that has suffered quite enough at the hands of white people, that I could not let if pass without comment.
Spencer and Heidi have given themselves Native American names, and may I say that having discovered my own Native American Heritage a few years ago, I find that I am personally insulted by this pathetically transparent plea for attention. Heidi took the name White Wolf, and Spencer is Running Bear. They said that taking these names was a way to connect with their spirituality.
Wouldn't it solve everyone's problem if one or all of the remaining Native American tribes would declare war on Heidi and Spencer? At least this debacle has one consolation. Heidi and Spencer will surely no longer be welcome in any of the many Indian Casinos, the only place she ever had a snow ball's chance in hell of "singing". Then again, Native Americans truly have suffered enough.
On a separate note, I would like to say to all the previous nominees in this category, especially Lindsay Lohan, to take a good look at yourselves people because now you are in the same category as Heidi and Spencer.
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