
Mind games with Martha

So almost two years ago I filled out an online form, applying to become one of the coveted "Martha's Circle" blogs.  Yeah, THAT Martha.  Don't worry, snarklebuddies, it wasn't on behalf of this, my secretly-more-beloved blog.  It was for my initial online odyssey, a charming little corner of the Internet devoted to crafts and parties and handmade invitations and recipes.  I tell you, it was perfect for Martha's stupid effing Circle.

I never heard back.  My free time dwindled and my focus shifted gears to this blog.  And it was no big deal.

Except last week, I got an unexpected email from Martha!  (Well, one of her preppy minions, anyway.)

"You're currently being considered for Martha's Circle.  We apologize for the delay in evaluating your blog." 

Interesting.  So, they'll get there and discover that the most recent post was in April.  And, I can't imagine a blog with such a lapse in content will make the coveted cut.  Oh well.

I can't help but wonder if it was all just a test of our perfectionism.  If indeed it was a test, and not just the result of a huge backlog and harried, overworked staff, I applaud Martha for her devious brilliance.  What better way to blow the chaff from the golden, glowing wheat?  Those bloggers whose hearts are really in their work would have been happily puttering away all these months, continuing to devise clever new things to do with excess garden produce and showcasing delightfully charming invitations for baby christenings, irregardless of her notice.  Those lovely souls deserve to be part of The Circle more than I... who so quickly and easily slipped from grace and stumbled onto this path of sarcastic, sometimes unkind commentary instead.  Ahhh Martha.  Well played.

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