
Folly Brings Down Another Cancer Powerhouse

I’d like to declare a new awareness month to call attention to a potentially horrible health crisis: A mysterious illness seems to be infecting nonprofit foundations that raise money for cancer research.

If things continue at this pace, we’ll all be back to relying on the federal government for research funding… and we all know that’s a recipe for progress. (Snicker.) Smart people everywhere are amping up preventive health measures as the “race for the cure” is looking ever more like a grueling marathon.

Lance Armstrong finally being exposed as a cynical liar and cheat – albeit a liar and cheat legitimately missing one testicle – undeniably spells bad news for LiveStrong, his foundation to support cancer research.

Yeah, Nike dropped Lance while continuing to support the foundation. And Lance stepped down as board chair (while retaining an active seat on the board). But how long will that last? Methinks it’s only a matter of time before those yellow bracelets stand for shame rather than hope.

Add LiveStrong’s inevitable demise to Komen Foundation’s bizarre and totally avoidable plunge into the nation’s most polarized political issue. Komen was caught in crossfire it single-handedly created. Their unprovoked attack on Planned Parenthood (which, ahem, serves as a safety net for breast cancer screening for low-income women) was so unfathomably unnecessary. And so tragically mishandled.

Perhaps cancer nonprofits missed some sort of critical inoculation against the folly of misguided leadership?

Generations from now, it’s possible that anthropologists will sift through our landfills only to uncover an entire society’s strange infatuation with pink EVERYTHING, along with millions of yellow wrist artifacts, all bearing the same coy, oblique message.

Warring nation states? Dueling religions? Or the remains of powerful cults with once-noble missions?

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