
'Other women' who just don't measure up

The latest celebrity sex scandal has me wondering, more than ever, about 'other women.'  Why have so many high-profile men with exceptional wives cheated with such lowbrow mistresses?

It has to be really kinky sex. 

(And I am not talking about mildly kinky. I mean really kinky - like, you'd have to pay a woman to perform that act.)

I mean, I can't actually think of a single other category in which "Bombshell" McGee can compete with Sandra. 

Dear god, can you imagine the horror of knowing that every time (probably forevermore) someone googles your name, pictures of this tramp will pop up?

Not to mention Tiger's string of mentally deficient not-quite-whores compared to the stunning, seemingly intelligent Elin. 

Or, say, Elliot Spitzer's actual whore.  (Yes, she's trying to reinvent herself as an advice columnist, but I'm going to be uncharitable and still think of her as a whore.  And not even a very pretty one.)

This is quite good news for most of us, actually.  I am pretty sure the percentage of men who demand truly kinky sex has got to be minute.  And a large number of the uber-kinkies are probably overindulged Hollywood (or Washington) jerks.

In other words, probably not your husband or mine. 

Of course, if kinky sex were the only reason men cheated, we'd all have installed dominatrix dens in our basements by now.  Heck, I'd rather don some latex and grab a whip than go through a nasty divorce.

We average chicks still have to worry about infidelity.  But if we ever find ourselves stuck in an unfortunate situation with an 'other woman,' let's at least hope she's not a clueless, unattractive, overly made-up (botoxed-up, implanted-up, tattooed-up) prostitute.

Now, go kiss your husbands.



  1. Apparently she is a white supremicist. Making all white people everywhere ashamed... makes me really want to focus on my tiny bit of Native American Heritage. Can we vote her off the planet?

  2. Ashley Dupree (Eliot Spitzer's Whore) was doing a shoot for Playboy and her hair caught on fire. Karma is a bitch.
