
Why Brunettes will kick the asses of Blonds and Redheads any day

So, it has come to my attention that the blonds and redheads out there seem to think life revolves around their hair colors. Bah! For them, I'm sure it does....

As a brunette you see, we are indeed too busy with our high-powered everything to devote much time to the paltry musings of the less pigmentally-endowed. But as the previous post has basically double-dog dared me to, I must respond.

You see, brunettes are the ones you don't want to mess with. Brunettes are always cast as the heroine, weather it be in action or fantasy or comedy or love. Brunettes embody mystique, femininity and strength all in one. We are alluring, charming, deeply intense and ridiculously funny all at once.

See what I mean.

As for that, we are also the ones you want to be sitting next to in say, a disaster such as armageddon or machines turning on us. While there are several brunette femme fatales, there are equally as many with killer sweet moves:

Yes people, being a brunette means you are able to be as coy as Hepburn, alluring as Loren, as funny as Tina Fey, and as kick-your-ass-into-next-week as Linda Hamilton. We can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. And if we're too damn tired after work to do that, we can easily get our significant others to do so for us with nothing more than a coy wink or if needed, "the look".

I say being a brunette is by far the most intriguing of all the coiffure shades.


  1. If you are referring to Linda Hamilton of Terminator - she was a blonde....Your post was a little angry - I thought redheads were the ones with the tempers. As to blondes not kicking ass - we don't have to. People like us.

  2. Well, angry no - fiesty yes, I'll give you that one. I guess if redheads are "wild" and blonds are "fun" I figured brunettes could be the fiesty ones. :)

    Seriously, I swear Linda looks like a brunette. Light brown perhaps? Does light brown count?

  3. Remember, blond is not a hair color; it is a state of mind and heart.

  4. Brunettes don't need to be fiesty. They are talented, ambitious and driven as well as sexy and sultry. Brunettes plan the party, blondes are the champagne and cake, and redheads add that extra twist of creativity. But without brunettes there would be no party to begin with. Besides the way genetics works, true blondes and red heads may soon go the way of the dinosaur, and burnettes will win anyway.
