
Best winter olympic events ever

And so, tonight begins the Winter Olympics. Good luck pulling it all off Canada, I'm rooting for you.

But aside from giving props to my friends from the north, I think the absolute best event ever in the Winter, or any Olympics really is sledding.

Yes, I'm talking the luge and bobsledding - the best Olympic events ever.

I mean, how totally cool is it that you take something as bizarre as sledding--think about it, you take a hunk of wood, wax the bottom of it, sit on top of it and fling yourself down a hill--and manage to get six, SIX, Olympic events out of it.

Keep your peepers on:
  • Bobsleigh - Two man, Four man, Women's.
  • Luge - Men's Singles, Women's Singles, and, um, yeah...Doubles.
On second thought...

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I love logging on and reading something new! And yes, the winter olympics are somewhat puzzling in general. Luging (?) in particular. My favorite event is where they ski and shoot rifles.
