
One businessman gets it right

Guest post-er Buzz here. Not much snark in this one, but just had to share a really cool story.

In this era of corporate bad-guys, it's pretty nice to hear about one businessman who is doing the right, logical, ethical thing.


Why hasn't this dawned on more of corporate America?

Perhaps this only works for Bob because he runs a good company with transparent books? It would make sense that if you have a company with questionable accounting practices you would have a hard time giving it to the employees. I mean, who would want a gift like that?

"Here you go, good luck with the P&L (suckers)".

So, kudos to Bob's Red Mill. I liked your products before, but now you have a customer for life.

1 comment:

  1. Right on. Enough money to have security and be able to give your kids some opportunities (education, etc.) is great. More than that is just greedy, in my opinion. Wall Street losers, listen up.
